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“Whenever you read a good book, somewhere in the world a door opens to allow in more light”- Vera Nazarian

The students of class IV onwards  will be issued a library books through their I-Cards.

  1. Ensure that the books are checked in at the time of issue and return.
  2. Return the book on the due date.
  3. A fine of Rs. 5 per day will be imposed after the due date.
  4. No notebooks or stationary be brought inside the library in Library Period
  5. Students may borrow one book at a time on their library cards. Students of Classes IX to XII may borrow two books at a time. The library membership of a Student will be cancelled if he/she is found not following these rules.
  6. Books are issued for 2weeks at a time. They must be returned on the due date mentioned. Only books for which there is no immediate demand will be reissued.
  7. Students are responsible for the books borrowed on their cards. Any damage to the books should be pointed out at the time of borrowing and the signature of the librarian obtained. The loss of books or the discovery of any damage to them will have to be compensated for by the students.
  8. Books are issued and returned only during library periods.
  9. If a book is lost, it has to be replaced by a new one or its market price along with the Binding charge of Rs.50/-has to be paid. There is a penalty for scribbling in a library book.
  10. Students are welcome to use the library for reference work during school hours if they come with written permission from the Subject Teacher / Class Teacher.
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Reading & Consultation
Days Timings
Monday - Saturday 8:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.
Circulation Hours
Days Timings
Monday - Saturday 8:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.
Sunday Holiday

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